Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"March Violets" Part II

It is very interesting how music can have a great affect on your impression of a piece. After listening to "March Violets" many of my concepts of its meaning transformed. My feelings that it was about war or something dark were confirmed with the foreboding melody and verses. The slow beat increased the feeling of questioning or sadness which was climaxed in the final lines "Everyday is the Ides of March/(Look on the blind side, sleep with your bright side down)."

Not only did listening to the song create a deeper message about what the poet was attempting to say; but it also encouraged me to think more universally about songs versus poetry. I find that, in a way, songs can rely on melody to create meaning and an overall tone of a piece. Whereas poetry must create this affect using literary devices such as internal rhyme, form, assonance, consonance, etc. There is no way to say which is better, they are independent entities and should be treated as such.

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